Busy , Busy , Busy
They managed to plant Arafat last weekend with a minimum of bloodshed. Condolences to the Palestinian people and props to Sharon, that bloodthirsty bastard, for not turning the event into a global conflagration.
I understand that Arafat was a hero to many, but if you sanction the deliberate killing of children by your underlings - whether your name is Arafat, Sharon, Bush or al-Bashir - to further your political aims, not only are you an evil motherfucker, you're a terrorist. Period.
Y’know, I’m really, reeeealllly looking forward to sitting down one day and posting something completely cheerful, an unqualified Happy Post. But not today. It's been several days since the last update, and Evil, Insanity and Stupidity have been busy little buggers.
Note to Iraqi insurgents: Margaret Hassan was on your side, assholes.
Now, back to our regularly scheduled Armageddon, already in progress:
• In a move that comes as no surprise, House Republicans today have approved an intraparty rule change which will allow Tom “the Bugman” Delay to keep his position as Majority Leader if he is indicted in the ongoing Texas Grand Jury investigation into illegal campaign financing. The rule change also allows House Republicans to name him Speaker For Life if he can provide conclusive evidence that he has ever directly participated in the cannibalistic ritual murder of a Nun.
The previous policy was adopted by Republicans in 1993, to demonstrate their moral superiority to Congressional Dems who were having Rostenkowski problems.
• From our “Peter Principle” file: Gee-Dubya has nominated Incompetenzza Rice to be his new Secretary of State. Unsurprisingly, and in a complete about-face from their position during the Clinton years, the Rightwingnuts no longer seem to have a problem with a President appointing his wife to a position of authority in government. Rice’s former sidekick and PNAC groupie, Stephen “Sixteen Words” Hadley’s loyalty will be rewarded with her old job.
(interesting sidebar: apparently, Incompetenzza’s nickname for Gee-Dubya is “Doobie.” Huh. I would’ve guessed “Tootie.”)
• Senior spooks at the CIA are apparently calling new Director Porter Goss’ 800 number to tell him to go Cheney himself. In keeping with his confirmation hearing promise to keep partisanship out of the Agency, the former Republican Congressman from Florida recently sent out a memo instructing Central Intelligence Agency employees that their job is to "support the administration and its policies in our work.''
• Among Iraqis, the word is going out that if you’re wounded and surrounded by American troops, DO NOT play dead or it's your ass.
On our side of the pond, the usual suspects, including the scum at Free Republic react to the news with that tried-and-true Christian Conservative tactic = Kill the messenger. Literally. (if you're not inclined to visit that particular pit,
Media Matters has a few excerpts)
Be sure to check out The Plaid Adder's take on the subject.
Though you may not have heard much about it through the Mainstream Media besides occasional pooh-poohing at the Tinfoil Hatters, there is mounting evidence that voting "irregularities" were both more widespread and more organized than first thought. No, that's not the good news. The good news is:
• It looks like the recount in Ohio is moving forward. I doubt that it’ll change the result but, at least, it may force some of the cockroaches like Kenneth Blackwell into the daylight. Once again, of course, Moderate Dems are sitting on their asses while the "fringe" are doing the work.
• Former Green Party / now Independent candidate and Democratic Party voodoo doll Ralph Nader has also requested a recount in New Hampshire. No, not because he’s deluded enough to believe that he may have won – his goal is to get to the bottom of what appear to be some serious anomalies in results reported by local Opti-Scan machines.
• The folks at BBV are also reporting some interesting developments in Florida – stay tuned.
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