Coronation Week Recap
Well, security has been downgraded, Republican Presidential fellatrix Peggy Noonan has returned to the warmth and comfort of her Glenlivet and Memories Of Raygun, the crowds have all gone home (including rightwing internet pseudobullies Protest Warriors, who are safely back in their parents' basements after getting their asses kicked by pacifists), the pepper spray has dissipated, and the confetti and bullshit have been cleaned up. "The peaceful transition of power" has once again taken place.
As part of my own Not A Damn Dime celebration, I took Thursday off from work and stayed home to watch the festivities, just me and the
Shots of the ANSWER rally and of Limo One flooring it every time they came abreast of a group of protestors were entertaining, as was the touching expression of fatherly disapproval Gee Dumbass displayed towards Jenna as she tarted up on live TV.
Let's see... what else? The leaders of the Populist Administration got out for their obligatory last-block walk, of course. A particularly heroic act, considering that it came, presumably, after Crashcart's limo was attacked by insurgents.
You've already heard enough about all the Inaugural festivities so I won't add my own comments or fashion critique, except to say that it was somewhat surprising to see Cowboy George wearing dress shoes to the Black Tie & Boots Ball:

The culmination of events came Friday, as the Maladministration and their entourage took over National Cathedral for the obligatory Nod To The Fundies. Teenage Bamm Bamm has an interesting firsthand report of events.
So get back to work.

Dick Cheney displaying a rare smile - wonder why?
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