George W. Kreskin
It's long been known among those of us on the left that Gee Dumbass' invitation-only propaganda stops are just window dressing. In the rare instances he appears before a non-military crowd, the audiences are carefully screened and the event is more tightly arranged than a Michael Jackson visit to Boys' Town. And let's be honest; the earpiece is one of the worst-kept secrets in politics.
But every now and then something goes awry and we get to view the Emperor's bare ass in all its glory. His January 11 show, part of the Pillaging Social Security tour, was a classic:
MS. STONE: That's what I'm saying. And I would just add that, as a mom, I know what it's like to lay awake at night and worry about the future of your children. And I know one thing about moms, they know how to make tough choices; we make them every day, on everything from health care to education to which bill to pay next. And I think we understand that whenever you're faced with a difficult problem, the sooner you start and the more honest you are about the nature of the problem, the greater chance you have of success. So I'm very hopeful that we would get started.
THE PRESIDENT: Good, thanks. Well done. (Applause.) Now what about your -- introduce your mom.
MS. STONE: I would like to introduce my mom. This is my mother, Rhoda Stone. And she is grandmother of three, and originally from Helsinki, Finland, and has been here over 40 years.
THE PRESIDENT: Fantastic. Same age as my mother.
MS. STONE: Just turned 80.
Neat trick, huh?
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