Grabbing Our Ankles
Short of Divine Intervention, it looks like next Thursday will see Gee Dumbass and his merry band of zealots installed for another four years. For those of us who have a morbid sense of curiosity and an appreciation of gallows humor, the possibilities of twisted enjoyment are limitless. For the rest of you... well... I'd recommend weed. Lots and lots of weed.
Secretary of State Incompetenzza Rice.
Attorney General Alberto "I

Director of Central Intelligence Porter "Help Wanted" Goss
Secretary of Homeland Security Michael "Be Vewwy Quiet- I'm Hunting Clintons" Chertoff.
And then there's Rummy. Ahhh, Rummy. Can't wait to see what zany foreign policy imbroglios he drags us into during the next term!
And let's not forget Chief Justice of the United States Antonin Scalia.
If you've visited this blog before, you're already aware that the Christofascists are already on the march. (for the record, there's a huuuuuuge difference between Christians and Christofascists) They're soooooo excited to have One Of Their Own sitting in the Big Chair. Have you heard their latest brainfart? They wanted to line Gee Dumbass' Inauguration parade route with crosses, but were told No by the Secret Service. And boy are they pissed! Of course, they'll undoubtedly reach a compromise - palm fronds, maybe.
Personally, I think the crosses are a good idea. Thirteen hundred fifty-seven of them. Each with the name of a US servicemember who has died in Iraq.
But fear not; there is a bright side.
The search for Iraqi WMDs has ended.
The popularity of Progressive radio is on the upswing.
SCOTUS has shown signs of good sense lately in actually upholding the Constitution. Dunno how long it'll last but, for now, it's still good news.
And, as I mentioned above, the Christofascists are pissed off. That always cheers me up.
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