Oh, Backbone - Where Art Thou?
No doubt you'll be shocked - shocked, I say - at this bit of information, courtesy of Raw Story. Looks like Joe Biden, former Senate Judiciary Chairman, has once again shown himself to be little more than a tough-talking blowhard who pulls his skirt up over his head like a shy little girl, when confronted with an opportunity to back up the talk.
Biden made waves when he appeared on HBO’s Bill Maher show Friday and said Congress should be investigating [possible security lapses by the White House and FBI related to Gannon/Guckert's credentialing].
“Why isn’t every major network in the country investigating a security breach, forget anything else?” Biden said. “The Judiciary Committee of the United States Senate should be investigating it. The House Judiciary should be investigating it. And if it were the other party in charge, it would be investigated.”
Biden also spoke with the San Francisco Chronicle editorial board Wednesday, expressing support for an investigation.
“As Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., pointed out during a meeting with The Chronicle editorial board Wednesday, the Guckert case, at a minimum, suggests ’sheer, friggin’ incompetence,’ in terms of White House security,” the Chronicle editorial page declared Thursday. “Biden said Congress should investigate this potential breach of security, but he acknowledged such a probe would never occur with Republicans in control of the House and Senate.”
Editor And Publisher has additional information on the Congressional Dem actions.
In addition, E&P has confirmed an report on The Raw Story that Sen. Richard Durbin (D-Ill.) is circulating a letter among his colleagues that asks President Bush to launch an investigation into how Guckert, who writes under the byline “Jeff Gannon,” gained access to White House press briefings over two years despite having no journalism background and using a false name.
Both letters are just the latest in a string of inquiries by congressional leaders, which have included a previous request by Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.) for documents related to Guckert's continued White House access.
In the latest effort, Conyers and Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-N.Y.) sent a joint letter today to Patrick Fitzgerald, the prosecutor investigating who leaked the identity of Plame, a CIA agent, to several reporters. Guckert, who worked for GOPUSA.com and Talon News before resigning two weeks ago, interviewed Plame's husband, Joseph Wilson, last year.
Now, two things.
First, kudos to Durbin, Conyers, Slaughter and the Usual Suspects in both Houses who are actually trying to get to the bottom of yet another White House mess, and
It's time to do something about the pathetic, impotent relics of our spineless Daschle-Gephardt era Dem "leadership." True, Daschle getting the boot and Gep's retirement was a step in the right direction, but more needs to be done. Much, much more. So I'm calling for someone who has a little free time to get busy. It's time to set up a website with the goal of collecting either the money or spare parts to provide our Congressional Dem leaders with the one thing they need: backbones. Time was, I woulda said "balls" but we can't leave out Feinstein, Clinton, Lincoln, Landrieu and company.
I've already checked and both www.spinesfordems.com and .org are available. Setting up a Paypal account is a breeze. Which enterprising Progressive is willing to step up and help a country out?

Please, adopt a Senator today.
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