Saving Private Cody?
Well, it looks like the Mainstream Corporate Media has covered itself in something other than glory, once again. Events today have left a few with more egg on their faces than Matt Drudge after a hot date.
Today's race for the scoop involved what appears to be a kid's toy.
This morning, most media outlets were breathlessly reporting that an unnamed website had published a claim by Iraqi "insurgents" that they had captured an American soldier and were holding him hostage, threatening to behead him in 72 hours unless the US releases Iraqis currently being "detained."
As the day progressed and common sense intruded into their little world, the MCM and various other self-styled journalists gradually began softening the language in their stories as it became known that the soldier in the photo bears a striking resemblance to "Cody", a GI Joe-type child's action figure.

Dan Rather was unavailable for comment, as he was kicking back with a Bourbon & Coke, laughing his ass off.
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