Old age ain’t no place for sissies – Bette Davis
What a helluva weekend – helped my brother with some construction work Saturday, which involved a half-dozen trips to the dump and countless trips up and down stairs carrying some unbelieeevably heavy shit, then spent most of yesterday working in my yard. The object of the program was supposed to be general cleanup and Fall planting; the reality was more like a scene from
Cool Hand Luke – using a mattock to dislodge approximately sixteen acres (ok, maybe it only seemed like that much) of brick-sized chunks of beautiful red clay while singing old spirituals. The Light of My Life gave an admirable performance in the Strother Martin role.
Positive lesson learned: even when completely neglected, your compost heap will still do its thing.
Lesson number two: my next vehicle will
not be a pickup.
Lesson number three: apparently, there are muscles in your fingertips, and it is possible for them to ache. So this is a short one.
No big surprises today:
DeLay, (widely believed to be Satan’s bastard son - emphasis on
bastard) is
gonna walk.
Gee-Dubya managed to
embarrass us at about the same level as usual. No indication of whether he saw any
black people this time, though.
Oh, and for anyone who's keeping count, we're up to
106 American casualties in Iraq since 11/1. Four British troops have also been killed. Believe it or not, nobody seems to have... or give a damn about... any kind of accurate information on the number of Iraqi civilian casualties.