Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Waiting For The Rapture

Lord, Lord, please let Armagedddon come soon! I don't know how much more I can take from these Fundie Asshats.

You've probably noticed that I've kept quiet on Terri Schiavo's family's ordeal... and I doubt I'll have anything to say about it until the poor woman is finally allowed to die. Unfortunately, I'm beginning to think that I'm the only person in the good ol' U S of A who hasn't weighed in yet.

We've got millionaires attempting to bribe Michael to walk away from her, possibly well-meaning nutjobs trying to... hell, do something - get arrested, get on TV - who knows? - by trying to give her water (my favorite blogger, the rude pundit, would probably insert a witty remark here about the importance of watering her once a week), even though a cup of water probably wouldn't be all that helpful, considering her inability to swallow voluntarily.

And now the High Priest of Asshats, the King of False Witnesses, Falwell has weighed in - maybe a poor choice of words - with his opinion.
"Just because there is a judge somewhere in the world who would give an estranged husband like that the time of day tells you how bad the court system is."

Estranged husband. Hmph. I suppose, given Terri's vegetative state, estrangement might be something of an understatement... Otherwise, since they were, and still are, married, one would have to call Falwell a Goddamn liar... again.

Fundies, fundies everywhere and none know how to think. These fools have completely run amok. Warning labels on science books, the Ten Commandments in courtrooms and classrooms, "Christian" separatist movements, advocating Constitutional gaybashing... lately it seems that examples of their idiotic behavior are increasing exponentially.

But this takes the fucking cake. Apparently, IMAX theaters throughout the South have opted not to show a movie about volcanos, for God's sake, out of fear of offending the Fundies.
The IMAX theater in Charleston and several others in the South have passed on showing a science film on volcanoes because of concerns it might offend those with fundamental religious beliefs.

"We've got to pick a film that's going to sell in our area. If it's not going to sell, we're not going to take it," said Lisa Buzzelli, director of the local IMAX theater. "Many people here believe in creationism, not evolution."

Buzzelli said while the Charleston theater doesn't rule out showing "Volcanoes of the Deep Sea" in the future, she considers people's religious views when showing films.

The film makes a connection between human DNA and microbes inside undersea volcanoes. Buzzelli said the handling of evolution was considered in her decision.

IMAX theaters in Texas, Georgia and the Carolinas have declined to show the film, said Pietro Serapiglia who handles distribution for Stephen Low, the film's director and producer who is from Montreal.

"I find it's only in the South," Serapiglia said.

Look, I was born and raised in the South - it's a helluva place filled with wonderful people and incredible beauty, and I wouldn't want to live anywhere else.

But these fucktards are ruining it for the rest of us. I've gotten into some pretty ugly pissing matches with woefully ignorant fellow Northeastern and West Coast Libs over the dumbass stereotypes of Southerners they seem to cherish - you know, the Red State Confederate Battle Flag-waving, cousin-fucking, NASCAR-loving, Bush-loving, Talibornagain bigot. Frankly, guys, this shit doesn't help.